Thursday, September 23, 2010






辩 护律师已经做得很到位,田喜也非常认真的应对。医院,公安,许多不合理,不合情的一面暴露在大家面前。首先是损坏物品的价格评估就是专家一句话,缺乏公信 力,做证的证人,证词雷同,甚至有些不在现场,而能够在现场的证人,却没有出庭。一路听审完,就很容易可以感觉到,田喜是一个被公安,医院合伙制造的一个 “犯罪份子”。符合新蔡县县委批示“建议公安介入,完善材料,予以打击。”的文件精神。审判席上,经常有警察给庭上递小纸条。辩护律师的话多次被打断。公 诉方,只有套话,没有有力的证据。这些似乎都是自然而然,一气呵成的。





田 喜的妈妈穿着印有警察字样的白色长袍,那是警察穿着用来绑架田喜的衣服。一个叫张辉的警察,粗暴地走过来,要带走田喜的妈妈。在他们眼里,田喜妈妈是犯 人,所有的人都是犯人,对待犯人,不必讲任何人性,他们粗暴地推搡,田喜妈妈终于因为伤心,疲劳,晕倒在车里。我当时吓坏了,走过去,扶住田喜妈妈,大哭 着,叫人喊救护车过来。




1  仍 然存在着对艾滋病人的极大歧视。虽然有法律规定,但我们不要忘记了,在某些地方,,某些领域,法律就是一纸空文。一个失去了法治公正的国家,后果肯定是可 怕的。不是不报,时候未到而已。艾滋病人刘,未婚,女,双亲不在,只有哥哥嫂子,但哥嫂不让她回家,村里人也不让回,她在医院住了六年。这样的歧视,已失 去了人性。

2  应该建立专门的艾滋病医院,给病人提供免费的持续观察治疗,还有完善的艾滋病上访接待制度。我看到艾滋病刘玉梅,仍然肩负着庞大的医疗费用。多次上访,县政府不接待,县长长期没空,出差。艾滋病人是一个需要关爱的群体,但在河南,是被打压的。这已经是个很大的笑话。

3  多个艾滋病人提到官方的腐败问题,希望全球基金,或者政府机构,能要求当地政府公开艾滋病基金的财务报道,细致到每一个艾滋病得到了多少救助与帮扶。

4  希望继续扶持当地的艾滋病人建立互帮互助公益小组。让公益小组帮助艾滋病人获得更及时的政府救助和更多的社会援助。缓解当地政府不愿意承担输血赔偿,带来的现实矛盾。

5  或 者可以以分期付款的形式,解决输血感染者的赔偿问题。想躲,想赖的形为,都是不要脸,都是可耻的。也许你们可以等到每一个艾滋病人都死去了,你们不用还这 笔钱,但终究有一天会有人来算这笔帐。如果真的想永远稳固权力,就不要存侥幸心理,说不定有一天,毁就毁在艾滋病问题上。

6  好好整顿一下政府机关的办事风气。与民为敌的痕迹太显著了。让为人民服务,人民公仆这些字眼,都变成了笑话。


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Notes of The Spirit of Laws (Book III)

Republic: classified into democracy & aristocracy -- citizens should have virtue to process public affairs. Ambition is harmful for the public.

Monarchy: virtue is not the spring of the government, but the honour. Ambition gives life to the government, and it is led to constrains.

Despotic: fear of the sovereign is the principal. Prince is not regarded as a man. He himself is the law. The only exception is religion.

My thoughts:

China may be an exception among these three kinds of government. Before Manchu's sovereign, China was on the process from original monarchy to constitutional monarchy. However, it still has remainder of despotic factors.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Comment about The Spirit of Laws

In the book "The Spirit of Laws", Montesquieu classified human's governments into 4 categories -- democracy, aristocracy, monarchy, and despotism. However, different from people today, Montesquieu regarded tradition and virtue as the most significant factor for a civilization to grow healthily. In his examples, even England, which produced the first democratic government all over the world, was crashing down without the respect of virtue. At last, England returned to the state of monarchy. Maybe it's the best case to testify his theory.

Nowadays, both the China Communism Party and the democracy supporters all regard democracy as an ultimate social architecture of China. It seems that once we have a democratic government, then all the problems can be easily resolved and our nation can be one of the most powerful countries all over the world.

However, it's not true. In the book, Montesquieu wrote the following paragraph --

"When virtue is banished, ambition invades the minds of those who are disposed to receive it, and avarice possesses the whole community. The objects of their desires are changed; what they were fond of before has become indifferent; they were free while under the restraint of laws, but they would fain now be free to act against law; and as each citizen is like a slave who has run away from his master, that which was a maxim of equity he calls rigour; that which was a rule of action he styles constraint; and to precaution he gives the name of fear. Frugality, and not the thirst of gain, now passes for avarice. Formerly the wealth of individuals constituted the public treasure; but now this has become the patrimony of private persons. The members of the commonwealth riot on the public spoils, and its strength is only the power of a few, and the licence of many. "

To support his conclusion, he took Ancient Greece as an example. "The politic Greeks, who lived under a popular government, knew no other support than virtue. The modern inhabitants of that country are entirely taken up with manufacture, commerce, finances, opulence, and luxury."

For me, China after 1644 A.D. is another perfect example to explain this conclusion. When Manchu nation conquered China, they enforced Chinese people to take off Chinese clothing and cut off their hair and bun. The whole nation became slaves of Manchu for over 250 years. And when Chinese ended the Manchu government and restored the country, they found that almost all the virtues had gone from Chinese people. They became avaricious, timid, and impassive about the nation. What's worse, such characters have not been diminished until today!

So before we call for democracy, we should first treat the wound of our nation, restore the national spirit and culture. Only when Chinese people can achieve a common sense of being a Chinese, then we can start to talk about how to be a modern and democratic nation.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My First Vocation

This weekend plus Monday is the Labor Day Weekend in the USA. However, what I did was just doing my labor, except being invited to Jim's home.

The homework of Algorithm & Data Structures was so difficult and time-consuming. Having taken about 2 days, I still had some problems pending. Yesterday, when I search Algorithm group in, I found a person's blog. On it, he wrote a detail comment about "Introduction to Algorithms". From his article, I knew that he had spent 20 months reading this book and doing all of the exercises and problems. Though there were some drawbacks in the book, he believed that reading this book was a great way to improve his perspective and skill on Computer Science.

How I wish I could be the same like him. This semester, I've started to read "Concrete Mathematics", which is more difficult than the book mentioned above. I hope I can keep on reading, exercising and thinking until the last page. 2 years is really a short period, I should take time to make me strong in my field!