Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Log for June 7th, 2011

In code.l, the path of parsing the class body is:

<Body>"class"  =>   <ClassName>   => <ClassVar>  =>  <Body>

And the function definition or declaration is dealt with in <Body>.

Timestamp: 16:14

Monday, June 6, 2011

Log for June 6th, 2011

Today, I applied for New Mexico Non-Driver ID, and went to Motor Vehicle Division with Jim. The materials I brought were Passport, SSN card, latest Bank Statement, and Apartment Rental Agreement. The process was very successful and no exception happened.

Then about the book The History of Western Philosophy, I finished reading Plato's theory of ideas. This is the main part of Plato's book Republic, and here he tried to define the concept "philosophy", "knowledge", "reason", and "understand". Philosophy means the love of wisdom. In Plato's thought, wisdom is different from the things we can perceive. In the sense of metaphysic, say, there are many particular cats, and we call them all "cat". However, there should exist one perfect cat, which was created by God, to designate all attributes of a cat. Then what we can see in reality are all imperfect cats. Similarly, the beautiful things are quite vary, but the beauty behind them remains the same. A person who likes different beautiful music, books, flowers, etc. is just the one who love for beautiful things, but doesn't realize the beauty itself. In Plato's theory, all facts and knowledge are eternal, infallible, and immutable. And most of us humans, in a parable, are prisoners in the dark crime. We face the wall, and there is a fire behind us. What we are able to see are just shadows which has been made by the fire. But the philosophers are the group of persons who can break through the prison and are able to see the real things through the sunshine. And the guardians from this group are the persons who are brave to return to the prison, and make the rest people realize their situation and be accompany with them to break the prison and see the facts instead of the illusions.

For Meta-Math project, now I come across two bugs. One is for the following situation:

class SomeClass {
               int x;
              int getX(void);

int SomeClass::getX(void) {
         return x;

Doxygen cannot parse "int getX(void);" correctly. Actually, the bug is that when it deals with this case, then the current member object is NULL. But if working well, it should be the function's name "getX" or "SomeClass::getX".

The other bug is that Doxygen is not able to add the related MetaReference record for the member function invocations like:


This is what I should fix after the first bug.

Next, I shall test whether Doxygen works well for the nested class definiton case. Like,

Class Class1 {
         Class Class2 {