Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mission for April 14th

1. 詩經·檜風·匪風
2. Implemented Set, P_queue, Stack ADTs in C++

Meta-Math For Today:

1.  A way to defining customized command:

In the ``ALIASES" section of the configure file, create the command by ``name=value" format.

E.g.: If we want to create a command "@Unit" such that "@Unit{Meter}" can refer to "<unit>Meter</unit>" in the resulting XML file, we can define our customized command as follows:

ALIASES     +=     Unit{1}=<unit>\1</unit>

2. The "@param" and "@retval" commands in Doxygen can specify the name of the target variables.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Summary for April 13th


1. Implemented the moving rules for 8 puzzle problem in C++.
2. Solve one problem in HW3 CS 500.
3. Learn 詩經·檜風之素冠,隰有萇楚.
4. Practice Taiji and Kendo.


I should have finished C++ implementation for 8 puzzle and sliding tile problems. Besides, I should have spent hours on Meta-Math project. For most of this semester, I didn't pay enough attention on it, so there's no concrete progress on this project, which makes me upset and ashamed. Though Prof. Kniss said nothing about it, I still have to work more diligently on it.

It's near the final of the semester, and there are many works should be finished by then. I should work harder so as to finish them perfectly.
