Putting Numerical Abstract Domain to Work: A Study of Array-Bound Checking for C Programs (by Arnaud J. Venet, slides):
1. Review of Abstract Interpretation using Polyhedra abstract domain;
My Question: what is the difference between polyhedron intersecting and the narrowing operator?
2. Gauge domain: modified interval domain to help scale the operations within loops (specifically, widening and convex-hull operations);
3. He uses New Polka library and XXX's fixed-point algorithm:
a. Issue: Program Crashed for widening operations: too many dimensions (i.e. program variables). Solution: eliminate unimportant variables;
b. Issue: still crashed. Solution: directly propagate unchanged constraints rather than calculate again and again. Solved.
Verified Programming in VCC (by Ernie Cohen, slides):
1. VCC is heavily based on ghost data, which costs zero executing time;
2. There is no invariant check when VCC applies the owning operation on objects;
3. Verification on concurrent programs: lock-free; lock is container.
Program Verification and Synthesis as Horn-like Constraint Solving (by Andrey Rybalchenko):
1. verification using temporal logic (especially CTL);
2. Doing abstract interpretation using horn-like constraint solving strategy (using Interpolant).
Lab (by Ernie Cohen):
1. Write you own binary search program in C;
2. Use VCC (either in Visual Studio or with online version (http://rise4fun.com/Vcc)) to verify the code;
3. VCC code you need to write: function-level (pre-condition using requires; post-condition using ensures; terminating using decreases), loop-level (invariant specification).
4. My original code has 27 bugs, all of which are related to overflow. After fixing it for one hour, I get it bug-free under VCC verification.
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